Photo courtesy of Ethan A. Vaughn DownTown Lancaster City Hall City Councilmen and Mayor Danene Sorace.
Photo Courtesy of Ethan A. Vaughn
Lancaster City Water Tower
The water tower location debate by the school board of Lancaster and Lancaster township residents. Their biggest concerns are location, pros, cons, and benefits of building a new water tower. purpose of a water tower is to create the pressure required to distribute the water through a piped system.
The school district of Lancaster board members wants a water tower built in Lancaster township. The school board of Lancaster and Lancaster city council wants to use the township land. Location is Lancaster community park across from manor shopping center on Millersville pike. They have threatened eminent domain to take total control of the property and force a buyout. Lancaster board members have not even held community meetings for public input, while the Buchanan elementary school project has been underway. Debate is over the location of the water tower for the new elementary school. Possibly increase in water rates against homeowners.
Current residents of Lancaster township want the water tower. built at an alternative location and away from the green space walking trail. They want to provide input for the new water tower and cost. The school board of Lancaster should be give more public and advance timely notice. Location for a water tower is beneficial to all residents living in Lancaster city and Lancaster township. Lancaster township residents are located in the southwest side of Lancaster city. Community members should be given an opportunity to speak and have questions answered from school board members. issue is the location of the water tower. Lancaster township residence disagree with a proposed location of the water site
The water tower will be impacted Lancaster township residents for many more years down the road. My lead is from the Lancaster newspaper report about the water tower and the flag writer was Alex Geli a staff writer. The second lead came from WGAL news station anchors Lori Burkholder, Kim Lemon, Janelle Stelson, and Ron martin.
Conflict of interest is no mutual agreement between Lancaster township residents and the school district of Lancaster board members. Lack of proper communication about public input for the community to speak their opinions. The big disagreement is location of the water tower may cause interfere with present green walking trail. Lancaster township residents must ask the Lancaster school district board members. if, the water rates would be higher against Lancaster township homeowners. Resolution needs to be resolved for the best interest of the water tower, homeowners, and Lancaster township residence
I was able to find interest in money, authority of land, and compromise. Lancaster township homeowners are unsure about possible higher water rates with a water tower. The land presently owned by Lancaster city since they have an agreement with Lancaster township to provide education. The housing tax and water rates are different from Lancaster city and Lancaster township.
Lancaster city officials have made no comment in regards to the water tower for Lancaster township community. I was able to receive a couple comments from Lancaster township residence and they wanted to remain anonymous. Found the local water tower topic helpful to learn since water is an in-demand utility and resource. For prominence is the school district of Lancaster board members and Lancaster newspaper makes records known to the public. Human interest is bringing people together by the potential water tower location. The proximity is both Lancaster city and Lancaster township community.
In conclusion, the Lancaster township residents want the water tower built in a different location and away from the green walking trail. They need an opportunity to speak on at a possible Lancaster school board meeting. The school district of Lancaster board members must allow public input from community members before moving forward. They need to give full details of the water tower location and if the water rates would be raised.
The water tower has been settled with arrangements of Lancaster city council and school district of Lancaster school board. They have decided on a good site for a water tower inside of Lancaster township. The location is middle ground for both residents, home owners, and local officials.

Photo Courtesy of Ethan A. Vaughn Lancaster Township is part of Lancaster city and School District of Lancaster.
Residents want the water tower away from Lancaster Community Park. They want to maintain the green walking trail for home owners and visitors. The water tower location has been a big debate for the past two years. Lancaster city council and school district of Lancaster school board want a new water tower. Due to lack of low water pressure on the southwest side of Lancaster city. There is a need for a new water tower in Lancaster city. There still remains a debate about a good location. Hopefully a compromise is completed by Lancaster township officials and Lancaster officials.
The cost of a new water tower was an error. The school board of Lancaster is looking for new estimates on a new water tower. Since the previous estimate was not correct cost. Local residents would like to know how did this error happen and the person responsible for the mistake. New water tower will be paid by tax payer’s money. Hopefully with a correct cost of estimate the new water tower project can have a construction date. The cost include new water pipes, materials, permits, rainwater system, steel water tank, and construction. Once the budget for the new water tower is approved. The southwest side of Lancaster city will have better water pressure to serve the residents.
Better Water Pressure In Lancaster
One local resident has concerns about increase flow of traffic jam and construction noise. She has told me once the new water tower project gets started in the southwest side of Lancaster city. There can be long period of waiting to drive through construction site. She believes the new water tower is well need in the community and increase her water pressure. For this local resident living in as a single mother of four. She needs better water pressure for her family to bathe. A new water tower can be part of the positive solution. She has told her landlord about her water pressure.
New Pipes Are Needed In Lancaster
A local resident has told me a new water tower will be a good idea. Since her water pressure has not been working properly. She has mentioned that a new water tower should fix the problem for the long term future. Lower water pressure can be caused by clogged pipe that needs replacement on a priority level. New pipes should increase water pressure and good idea to shutoff the valves near the meter. She has seen her water bill increase due to using more water. Hopefully with a new water tower this local resident can see a decrease in her water bill.
New Water Tower for the Community
Lancaster Township needs for a new water tower on a priority level. The community deserves good quality of water and water pressure for daily usage. Lancaster Township residents were at first opposed to the new water tower site inside of Lancaster Community Park. They spoke their voices to show they care about the walking trail and neighborhood. I did notice Lancaster City Mayor Danene Sorace address the water tower welcoming the residents to speak up and attend meetings. The School Board of Lancaster was prepared to take legal action the new water tower location. Overall common ground was found on all sides of Lancaster Township residents, Mayor, Councilmen, and Lancaster School Board Members.
Time Line
- New School plan includes Cell tower, 3 million-gallon water tank August 16, 2017
- Should school have 3-million gallon water tower on campus November 2, 2017
- Debate over Lancaster Township water tower heats up at Lancaster school board meeting November 3, 2017
- Lancaster city , township officials, spot “significant” error in water tower cost comparisons July 14, 2018
- Lancaster Township officials still seeking answers on city proposed water August 15, 2018
- Community Activist trying to prevent water tower from being built March 18, 2019
Reference List