by Hannah Sutton Roadside farmer’s markets provide fresh produce and other foods at low prices to local residents resulting in sustainable farm-to-table foods in Lancaster County. Lancaster County is called home by commercial and independent farmers alike, with the latter…
Bicycle Lanes in Lancaster PA Streets.
Written by: Angel Peña Pabon In 2019 the city of Lancaster completed a plan to create a safe network of bicycles throughout Lancaster City. In early 2019 the City of Lancaster completed an Active Transportation Plan with Lancaster County and…
How Climate Change is Causing Complications for Those in PA
Pennsylvania and more specifically Lancaster PA, has been experiencing major climate change. In simpler terms, the climate is getting warmer and wetter. Which can lead to environmental complications as well as some health concerns for those living in PA. According…
Going Green on Lemon Street
Written by: Georgea Hall A local independently-owned Lancaster grocery store practices sustainable and healthy living. This past year and a half, small businesses everywhere have been brought into the spotlight as the pandemic put several at risk of going out…

Millersville’s Plastic Straw Ban Backfires
Ditching plastic is more complicated than it looks. In March 2019, Millersville eliminated single-use straws, but they’ve since returned. Written by Emily Hyser The Straw Problem The Millersville Dining Hall and Conference Service Team dedicates their time to reducing imperishable…
Local Farmers Called to Sustainable Practices
Written By: Kate Strickland Lancaster county consumers call for sustainability, effecting both farmers and other producers in the county Consumers in the Lancaster area have called for sustainably, and Kreider Farms has been one of the first to answer. Kreider…
Pollution Affecting Lancaster County’s Air Quality
Lancaster County has the worst air quality in all of Pennsylvania. With more and more people getting asthma and emphysema from poor air quality, what is it going to take for this to be taken seriously? How Power Air Quality…
Safe to Hydrate
Written by Miles Miller Ways of draining and eliminating contaminated water to improve people’s quality and use for water. Water is essential to everyone’s daily lives. Our bodies are made up of water and it is key that we treat…
Millersville University Journey to Being Green
Environmental Position: Millersville University up until 2018 never did much to be green with their campus and to better the environment. Early in the year it was announced that the Lombardo Welcome Center would be the first building on campus to…
What Items Can Be Recycled Properly?
Written by Emily Jones Millersville University explains how recycling is changing and what they accept at the university currently. We all know how important it is to recycle. We can drastically help the Earth by recycling many different products. But…